
The Redis backend stores policies on a Redis server. The usage is as shown below:

from redis import Redis
from import RedisStorage

# Setup Redis client
client = Redis('localhost', 6379)
# Setup Redis storage. The storage is setup to store policies under hash "my_policies" on redis.
storage = RedisStorage(client, hash_key="my_policies")

# Retrieve policy with UID 1
policy = storage.get("1")

Default hash key used by the storage is “py_abac_policies”.


Currently the redis storage returns all policies for evaluation by PDP. There is no support for in-database filtering of policies yet.


Redis doesn’t guarantee the exact number of elements returned on HSCAN operation. The storage thus gets all policies from Redis for the :method:`RedisStorage.get_all` method and manually slices the list according to the requested offset and limit.